
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Cape Cod 2013 Day 5 Part 2


Day 5 of my Cape Cod vacation was spent on Martha's Vineyard. My friends and I had just got done viewing the famous gingerbread house and eating lunch at the fabulous Lookout Tavern. We decided to walk around the main streets of Oaks Bluff. The shops are quaint and cute and several of them are your typical tourist trap shops. Of course we stopped at The Black Dog but I didn't buy anything. We stopped at many cheap t-shirt shops that had hilarious shirts and other strange items. Below are some of the hilarious shirts we saw.

And of a Jesus action figure....with gliding arms!
After window shopping my friends and I did what we do best...... we got drunk. Chris told us about a place called Offshore Ale House located at 30 Kennebec Ave. There beers were pricey but good. I don't like dark beer so I can't comment on those but I did have a East Chop Lighthouse Ale that was very good. Warning to those that have peanut allergies, this is a bar that allows you to toss peanut shells on the ground. However, they do have outside seating for those that are not keen on peanuts. You can also order food here but I just stuck to a liquid lunch.

After the Ale House we ventured back to the dock to drink and wait for the ferry to arrive. We decided on a place called the Sand Bar & Grill. Once again we did not eat here, so I can't comment on the food. We did drink our faces off though. We had an hour to kill before the 5 o'clock ferry came, so that meant power hour. I had several Coronas, vodka redbulls and shots of something yummy. 

The gang at Sand Bar & Grill
Finally it was time to board the ferry, so we left the bar and stumbled on board. We kept drinking on the way back to the main land and decided that we needed to eat. We decided on the Black Cat Harbor Shack on Ocean Street because it was literally across the street from the dock. My sister Kelly and my friend Ryan were blackout drunk, so we weren't sure if they would even allow us to eat there. After being told the wait for 6 would take 45 mins, Kelly tried to slip the hostess a $20. I think it worked because we ended up only waiting 5 mins. I would recommend the clam chowder and anything seafood inspired. I would also recommend you don't go with friends that are shit faced because the white collar customers were giving us looks.  Judging by the photo's below you can see why......

.....And now he is in a bush

After dinner, we drove back to our cape house and had plans to keep drinking but we all passed out before midnight. I recommend the Vineyard to anyone visiting the cape. However, one day is not enough there. There is too much to see and do, so a weekend at the Vineyard would be ideal.

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