
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Frightening Things to do in Salem

When you think of Halloween it's hard not to think of Massachusetts spookiest city. Salem is well know for the witch hunts in the 1600s that led to many villagers being murdered or run out of town. All though Salem has been modernized, it still holds a great deal of America's darkest history. Below is a detailed list of some of the top attractions in Salem today.


Built in 1668, this is the oldest surviving 17th century wooden mansion in New England and one of the most famous houses in America. The House of the Seven Gables inspired author Nathaniel Hawthorne to write his legendary novel of the same name. Visitors can tour the house and other buildings on the campus. Guided tours and group tours are available for a small fee. More info on rates and reservations can be found HERE.  


Located  in the heart of historic Salem, Hawthorne Hotel has a rich history which began in 1925 and has welcomed numerous leisure travelers as well as celebrities and ghosts. Over the years, episodes of iconic shows including Bewitched and Ghost Hunters  have all been filmed on this historic property. Room 612 and room 325 are reported to be the most haunted rooms in the hotel. Do you think you have what it takes to spend the night? More info about the Hawthrone hotel can be found HERE.


The Salem witchcraft trials took place between February 1692 and May 1693. During the trials, 19 people were convicted and hanged. Among the judges who convicted the witches was Jonathan Corwin, whose home is today the only structure left with direct ties to the trials. Today the house is a museum focusing on 17th-century living. It's one of the last remaining links to that time in American history. More info about visiting this historic house can be found HERE


The most haunted place in Salem is the Joshua Ward House, which housed the man who served as Sheriff during the Salem witch trials. A gruesome death occurred in this house where the Sheriff crushed a man accused of using witchcraft to death, and this man is said to haunt the Joshua Ward House today.


This is the one place is Salem that truly scared me as a child. The wax figures are very disturbing and even more so because they depict true events.  This museum depicts Salem's vivid history from it's founding in 1626 through the terrifying hysteria of 1692. Behind the Wax Museum building is the Old Burial Point, reputed to be the second oldest burial ground in the country and open to museum visitors. Adjacent to the Old Burying Point is the Witch Trials Memorial erected in memory of the victims of the witch hunt of 1692. The memorial is also open to museum visitors. More info about the wax museum can be found HERE


At this museum you are treated to a live reenactment of the Salem Witch Trails. You'll experience the acclaimed performance of the witch trial adapted from the 1692 historical transcripts. After the trail, guest are taken on a tour through the terrifying dungeon. More info can be found HERE 

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