
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Boston Ghost Tours

What better city is out there to do a ghost tour than Boston. There is so much history on the streets of Boston that I'm sure some historic figures still roam the streets. Boston Ghost Tours is a trolly/walking tour that takes you through the ghostly streets of Boston. 

"Walk amongst the dead in burying grounds nearly four hundred years old, hear stories of those whose mortal remains lie beneath your feet, and listen to tales of many of the sordid practices that went along with them. Venture to the site of the biggest grave-robbing scandal in New England’s history. And ask yourselves - are you afraid of being buried alive? Walk atop Boston’s largest unmarked burying ground and hear tales of the tortures, punishments and executions that took place there. You may even find yourselves involved in some…

Boston has found itself plagued with some of history’s most nefarious figures – The Boston Strangler, Jolly Jane, Dr. John Webster, Cotton Mather, amongst a slew of other assorted characters.
The city proper is not the only source of stories here. Boston Harbor played a pivotal role in the formation and daily life – and death – of Boston citizens. With drowning being an occupational hazard of a sailor’s life, the Harbor is home to many a dark tale of death in freezing waters" ( 

These tours run rain or shine and the website suggest people wear comfortable shoes for the two 20 min walking portions. The length of the tour is about 1 hr and 30 mins and children under 6 are NOT allowed. This tour boards beside the Marriott Long Wharf Hotel on 200 ATLANTIC AVE. 
For more info about the tour schedules check out their website GHOST TOUR SCHEDULE


Adult Ticket$39.90$35.91
Seniors*, Students, Military$36.75$33.08
Child Ticket (ages 6-12)*$25.20$22.68



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