
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Real Haunted Houses in America

Below is a list of 11 of the most truly haunted house in America. The link to the original article by Sarah Carpenter can be found HERE.

1. Myrtles Plantation in Louisiana

A staggering 10 murders are said to have been committed on the grounds of The Myrtles Plantation, although only one is confirmed. Nevertheless, numerous reports of ghoulish activity—ghosts of former slaves appearing to ask about chores, inexplicable footsteps heard on the stairs, and even a grand piano playing itself—have earned this 18th century Louisiana plantation the reputation of being one of America's most haunted homes. The property is now a bed-and-breakfast, so you can check in and check it out for yourself.

2. Franklin Castle in Ohio

With its gloomy exterior and secret passageways, Franklin Castle certainly lives up to its title: the Most Haunted House in Ohio. Franklin Castle has it all—children crying, voices arguing in the walls, chandeliers spinning, faces materializing in the woodwork, a reoccurring blood stain, and a mysterious woman in black who appears in the topmost turret window. Other peculiarities about the home are almost as creepy: a room that is 10 degrees colder than the rest of the house, a stash of baby skeletons said to have been discovered in the 1970s, and the macabre history of its original owner, whose family and many of those around him may have died under mysterious circumstances.

3.  Hampton Lillibridge House in Georgia 

The stately Hampton Lillibridge house is considered to be the most haunted house in Savannah. The site of multiple unfortunate deaths, the home was uninhabited for years and is believed to be cursed by an ancient crypt in its basement. The house's eerie history does not disappoint: Even now, neighbors report seeing shadowy figures in the windows and hearing music and laughter—signs that some otherworldly party is under way.

4. The Arnold Estate in Rhode Island

The last words the previous owner said to the Perron family as they moved into their new, spacious Rhode Island home were, "Leave the lights on at night." From that moment on, the Perrons endured 10 years of hauntings so chilling that they became the basis for a movie,The Conjuring. Some spirits were kindly, sweeping the kitchen every week, while some were malicious, attacking—and even possessing—their mother. The eldest daughter, Andrea, explains, "Eight generations of one family lived and died in that house prior to our arrival...some of them never left."

5. Villisca House in Iowa

In 1912, this Iowa home was the site of a gruesome axe murder that took the lives of eight people in their sleep, six of them children. At the time, the police had no protocol for criminal investigations of this nature and allowed city residents to walk about the house while the victims lay in bed. In the 100 years that followed, people have heard voices of children crying and seen doors opening and shutting on their own. Neighbors have watched multiple tenants flee, terrified, in the middle of the night, never to return.

6. George Stickney House in Illinois

Because he believed spirits needed the freedom to roam his house without getting trapped in angles, George Stickney designed his Illinois home with rounded corners. It has been more than 150 years since Stickney and his wife conducted regular seances in this now famous abode, but the supernatural occurrences have not ceased. Stickney's residence is now home to the Bull Valley Police Department; strange footsteps, objects moving on their own, and shouts coming from thin air have been enough to prompt a few officers to turn in their badges.

7. Ashmore Estates in Illinois

Ashmore Estates, a former poorhouse and then mental facility in Illinois, sat abandoned for decades. Some believe that it used to be the meeting place for a satanic cult. Others say they've heard disembodied voices, felt hot and cold spots, and even seen full-bodied apparitions. Still others claim they've run into Elva Skinner, the spirit of a young girl who tragically died there more than a century ago. Visitors' experiences differ, but all agree on one thing—this building is massively haunted.

8. Smith-Ely Mansion in New York

Built in 1858, this 43-room Classical Revival mansion in upstate New York retains much of its original craftsmanship. But craftsmanship isn't all you'll find here. Shadows move from room to room, there are sounds of people breathing when no one is around, and some mysterious event in 2008 upset one construction worker so much that he refused to reenter the house! Thrill seekers have the chance to experience the hauntings for themselves—today the Smith-Ely Mansion is a bed-and-breakfast.

9. Rowan Oak in Mississippi

Famed writer William Faulkner is said to haunt his former residence in Oxford, Mississippi. The Greek Revival house was built in the 1840s and is now a National Historic Landmark. If you take a trip to see Faulkner's famous homestead, you might just spy his ghost wandering the grounds—or even writing on the walls.

10. Pittock Mansion in Oregon

This 22-room French Renaissance-style chateau in Portland, Oregon, sounds like the ideal site for a horror movie, and for good reason—several films have been shot here. Although random apparitions are said to materialize, they seem to be happy. In fact, many people would even say that one of the mysterious presences—a strong scent of roses—is actually a blessing.

11. Pioneer Park in Colorado

Although charming, this Aspen, Colorado, house is said to be haunted by the scorned wife of Henry Webber. Rumor has it she learned of his apparent affair with their niece and committed suicide by ingesting strychnine. Webber went on to marry the niece, and the couple heard gloomy footsteps wandering the house and roof until Henry’s death.

Monday, October 28, 2013

10 of America's Creepiest Attractions

Check out this scary list of ten of the creepiest attractions in America. You can find the original link by Larry Olmsted HERE.

1. The Grove - Sanger, California

Photo courtesy of Forbes

With a wooded forest ambiance straight out of “The Blair Witch Project,” The Grove’s three attractions include a walk-through haunted forest, a haunted hayride and the main act, the maze-like Bad Manor haunted house with enough twists and turns to disorient even those with the best sense of direction. They warn visitors not to take a wrong turn down a cold, dark hallway, but that is hard advice to follow. 

2. Terror on Washington Street Haunted House - Clinton, Illinois

Photo courtesy of Forbes
A deserted 53-year-old building on Washington Street is set up in the form of a haunted house maze, with 18 rooms on multiple levels — including the creepy basement. This is a great example of an old-fashioned haunted house low on technology but big on interior detail, darkness and live actors. 

3. Erebus - Pontiac, Michigan

Photo courtesy of Forbes
For years the world’s largest such attraction, the four-story haunted house tells the story of Dr. J. Colbert, who built the world’s first functional time machine here in 1965, but with a fatal flaw in his design. Each time a test subject traveled, the time period reacted to the subject as a virus and attacked. Still trying to fix his machine after running out of volunteers, he had a nefarious idea and disguised the time machine as this haunted attraction, allowing for an endless supply of paying subjects to experiment on. 

4. Fear Fair - Seymour, Indiana

Photo courtesy of Forbes
FearFair comprises several different highly themed attractions, including Hangar 17, where guests are dropped into an interactive mutagenic gas outbreak; Cinema of Fear, where you come face to face with some of the scariest movie monsters ever, with Hollywood-style quality; and Myctophobia (Fear of Darkness) which ramps up the terror, sending guests — 18 and older only — through alone, single file, to be touched by actors and scared silly. 

5. Ghostly Manor - Sandusky, Ohio

Photo Courtesy of Forbes
One of the few such attractions open year-round, award winning Ghostly Manor, featured on television shows as a top haunt, has just been renovated to make it even better. The large haunted house full of demonic children, living dolls, the possessed and all sorts of other creatures anchors the 6-acre “Lake Eerie Fearfest” along with four other seasonal haunts — Darkmare, Caged, Quarantine and Eerie Chateau — for five haunted houses in one spot. 

6. Howl-O-Scream - Florida, Virginia, Texas

Photo Courtesy of Forbes
Some of the nation’s most elaborate such offerings, SeaWorld theme parks have three completely different versions of Howl-O-Scream, all state of the art, at Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, Va., and Tampa, Fl, as well as at SeaWorld San Antonio. After dark, each fun theme park is transformed into a world of horror. 

7.  Frightland - Middletown, Delaware

Photo courtesy of Forbes
Rated one of America’s scariest attractions by The Travel Channel, The Frightland complex is like a whole theme park of scares with eight terrifying indoor and outdoor haunted attractions: haunted attic, zombie prison, horror hayride, outdoor walk-through haunted cemetery, house of fear, Old West zombie ghost town, haunted barn and haunted manor house.

8. Terror behind the Wall - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

photo courtesy of Forbes
America’s largest haunted house is inside the massive castle-like walls of Eastern State Penitentiary, a real-life former prison believed to be one of the most haunted spots in the country and frequently featured on paranormal TV shows (“Ghost Hunters” did five episodes here). In its 22nd year, this extraordinary theatrical production is consistently ranked among the best — and scariest — haunted attractions in the country.
9. House of Shock - New Orleans - Louisiana 

photo courtesy of Forbes
With its long voodoo, ghost and vampire history, New Orleans is the perfect creepy setting for a haunted attraction. And The House of Shock, in its 21st year, delivers big time. Known as one of the scariest and most intense such haunted houses in the country, House of Shock has a heavy satanic theme and comprises more than a dozen sets, from a butcher shop to a twisted French Quarter to an outdoor swamp. Besides the house itself, there is an attached free outdoor festival with food, live entertainment on stage, pyrotechnics and, since this is New Orleans, a full bar.

10.  The Scarehouse - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 

Photo Courtesy of Forbes
An ax-wielding maniac in a blood-splattered bunny suit is one of the disquieting reasons the Travel Channel named this “one of America’s scariest Halloween attractions.” Located in a 100-year-old former Elks Lodge that is actually thought by many to already be haunted, ScareHouse features three differently themed haunts for one price: The Forsaken, Creepo’s Christmas in 3-D, and Pittsburgh Zombies. These are not recommended for those under 13, one of the higher age ratings in the business.  A fourth separate new attraction, the immersive Basement, is only for 18 and up. While most haunted houses have a “no touching” rule for actors, the Basement, which allows guests in two at a time, does not, and it is perhaps the scariest such offering in the nation.

Monday, October 21, 2013

One Cyclist's Inspiring "Do-Good" Tour

Check out this inspiring article written by Jennifer Carofano from Yahoo Shrine.

Rob Greenfield wants to inspire others to do good. Photo Courtesy of Rob Greefield.
Rob Greenfield is trying to make a difference one wildflower at a time. The 27-year-old is cycling from Berkeley, California to San Diego this October and performing good deeds along the way as part of what he's dubbed the Do Good Tour. “I want to inspire people to start taking action and to do just one good thing a day,” Greenfield tells Yahoo Shine. Traveling by bike (no carbon emissions!), Greenfield is riding 60 to 70 miles daily, stopping to plant native wildflowers on the edge of parks and roadside ditches or pick up garbage. 
Greenfield sold his car in early 2012 and has been using pedal power to get around ever since. Before embarking on his current 600-mile cycling trip, Greenfield bought a $1,000 bike specifically for the journey. But when the bike was stolen a mere two days before he was set to start his ride in Berkeley, he wasn't about to let a bad act stop him from doing good. “When I walked outside and my bike was gone, I knew this was an opportunity to make something good happen and overcome a challenge,” he says. Without missing a beat, Greenfield picked up a used bike on Craigslist for $480. So far, the bike is holding up just fine, except for a few blown tires and broken spokes.
Greenfield credits his desire to do good with his passion for the planet. “I’ve traveled to six continents and seen how diverse and magnificent this Earth is, and I’ve just really grown to appreciate it. The more I see, the more I have a desire to protect it,” says Greenfield, who completed his first bike tour from California to Vermont to raise awareness for the planet this past spring. “I’ve made living an Earth-friendly and happy lifestyle my way of life and everywhere I go, I try to get people involved,” he says. “ I talk to a lot of strangers.”

Greenfield’s approachable attitude has helped him earn an ambassador role at Waitsfield, Vermont-based environmental nonprofit 1% for the Planet. “I’m really impressed by how Rob can approach just about anyone and connect with them,” 1% for the Planet marketing manager Brodie O’Brien tells Yahoo Shrine “Our ambassadors are people who care about the planet and give back with their everyday actions. Rob really embodies that for us.”
Greg Pepping, executive director for Santa Cruz-based nonprofit Coastal Watershed Council, met Rob last Wednesday when he rode into town. Introduced by a mutual friend, the pair took an evening sail on Pepping’s boat. “Rob’s feet were sandy, so I asked him to wash them off,” Pepping tells Yahoo Shine. “Rather than use the hose I offered, he asked if he could wash them in the water that surrounded the boat instead.” Pepping said he didn’t think much about the exchange at the time, but when he thought about it later he realized that Greenfield had made a conscious choice to save water by washing his feet in the ocean. “He’s successful in getting people to rethink when we should be using natural resources and when we shouldn’t,” says Pepping, who says he’ll now be washing his feet in the ocean, too. To his credit, Greenfield is taking water conservation to a new level by bathing only in natural bodies of water. “I haven’t taken a shower in six months,” says Greenfield, who wrote about the experience on his Facebook page.
Greenfield is no stranger to being resourceful: Raised by a single mom in Ashland, Wisconsin, a small town on Lake Superior, along with his three siblings, he says he grew up poor but happy. “I’ve learned to live with very little money,” says Greenfield, who estimates he spends less than $20 daily, mostly on whole, healthy foods. He’s also a big fan of the sharing economy. He frequently uses and to keep his living expenses on the road to a minimum. Greenfield is able to offset some of his travel costs with revenue from his small business. His marketing company, the Greenfield Group, focuses on companies and nonprofits that have an environmental focus.

Greenfield’s current Do Good Tour ends in San Diego on Oct. 30, but he doesn’t intend to stop riding. He's already planning a second tour from Los Angeles to New York next spring. Says Greenfield, “It’s all about making people smile and inspiring people to live a happier and healthier lifestyle, and I know that will happen by leading by example.”

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Top 10 Most Haunted Cities in the U.S.

Below is a list of the top 10 most Haunted cities in the United States. The list is taken from FACTS.FM  and if you want to view the actual page this list is on, you can find the link HERE.

#1 Athens, Ohio 

Athens is a small town in Ohio that is home to stories of all sorts of hauntings. There are stories about everything from a headless train conductor to violent murders of livestock. Some even claim that the town’s five major graveyards form the symbol of a pentagram when they are plotted on a map.
The most haunted place in Athens is the Athens Lunatic Asylum which held many violent patients and is known for performing hundreds of lobotomies. A deaf-mute former patient of the asylum was supposedly trapped in an abandoned ward and died. The deaf-mute patient’s decomposing body wasn’t found until weeks later, and the stain from her body supposedly can still be seen today.

#2 Savannah, Georgia 

Savannah, Georgia holds several gothic mansions, cemeteries, and trees that were used in hanging Spanish moss. The most haunted place in Savannah is The Hampton Lillibridge House which was built in 1796 and was originally used as a boarding house. The house started to undergo restoration in the 1960s, and this is when the strange phenomenon began to occur. The roof collapsed during construction and killed one of the workers, and other workers claimed to hear voices and footsteps. Oftentimes equipment would get thrown across the rooms and a man in a black suit has been spotted staring out of the windows.
#3 Portland, Oregon 

Portland’s strange history and significant amount of ghost sightings has given the city a reputation as the most haunted city of the Pacific Northwest. The most haunted location in Portland is the Shanghai Tunnels where the practice of shanghaiing took place. Shanghaiing is where men and women were kidnapped, shipped to the Orient, and forced into prostitution or slave labor. The tunnels run under the city streets and today they are said to be haunted by the ghosts of those who were kidnapped.
#4 Chicago, Illinois 

Chicago’s history of underworld criminals and its infamous great fire has influenced many of the city’s ghost stories. One famous ghost story is the story of Resurrection Mary where a young girl was hit and killed by a car. The young girl was buried in a nearby cemetery and has since been seen wandering the streets in her white burial dress.
The most haunted place in Chicago is the Bachelor’s Grove Cemetery which is rumored to be one of the prohibition-era gangsters’ favorite locations to dump the bodies of those they killed. There have been several sightings of headstones moving and ghostly apparitions walking the grounds at night. The most famous sighting here is of the “White Lady,” which is the ghost of a young woman cradling a baby in her arms.
#5 Key West, Florida 

Key West is the southernmost Florida Key that holds some of the oldest and creepiest ghost stories in the United States. The rich history of buccaneers and rumrunners in Key West provides some background to many of these ghost stories.
The most haunted – and creepiest – artifact in Key West is known as Robert the Doll. Many have claimed Robert to be possessed. Robert the Doll was originally given to the young painter Gene Otto in the early 1900s. Otto became extremely afraid of the doll because Robert the Doll would threaten Otto and wake him in the night by throwing furniture around his room. Otto’s parents even claimed they saw the doll moving, neighbors claimed to have seen the doll pacing the halls when the family was out.
#6 New Orleans, Louisiana 

New Orleans is filled with haunted mansions, graveyards, taverns, and more. The most haunted place in New Orleans is the LaLaurie House which is a mansion that is rumored to be a place where the homeowners treated their slaves viciously. There was also evidence that gruesome surgical experiments were performed on the slaves. Ever since these tragic events occurred there have been several sightings of the ghosts of the slaves tortured here.
#7 San Francisco, California 

San Francisco developed a reputation as a Mecca of all things haunted. This city is home to creepy folklore, ghost tours, and a large quantity of haunted mansions, hotels, and army bases. One of the most famous haunted hotels is the Queen Anne Hotel which, in the 1980s, was a school for girls and is said to be haunted by the ghost of the school’s headmistress, Mary Lake.
The most haunted place in all of San Francisco is Alcatraz Island. Alcatraz was formerly a maximum-security prison, and visitors who go there today say they have some very strange experiences. Visitors have claimed to hear the voices of former inmates in what used to be the cafeteria and apparitions of inmates walking around the cellblocks.
#8 Charleston, South Carolina 

Charleston is one of the oldest cities in the U.S. and is filled with Victorian mansions that line downtown in an area known as the Battery. The Battery was a protective artillery installation during the Civil War, and this is where most of the city’s haunted houses can be found.
The most haunted place in Charleston is The Dock Street Theater which was built in 1809. Two ghostly spirits are claimed to haunt the theater: a poor prostitute who was killed by lightning and an actor who was the father of John Wilkes Boothe, the man who killed Abraham Lincoln. Many say these spirits wander the backstage area of the theater.
#9 Salem, Massachusetts 

A series of infamous trials were held in 1692 after three local women were accused of using witchcraft to terrorize young girls. Several accusations were later made on over 150 people who were arrested and charged for witchcraft, and 19 of these accused people were executed by hanging. The most haunted place in Salem is the Joshua Ward House, which housed the man who served as Sheriff during the Salem witch trials. A gruesome death occurred in this house where the Sheriff crushed a man accused of using witchcraft to death, and this man is said to haunt the Joshua Ward House today.
#10 Gettysburg, Pennsylvania 

Gettysburg was the site of the biggest military clash of the Civil War in July of 1863. This event remains the bloodiest event that has ever occurred in the U.S. Many people claim that those who died during the battle still haunt the battlefields. The most haunted place in Gettysburg is The Devil’s Den which was the site of one of these battles. The ghosts of those who were killed and dragged to the Devil’s Den are said to haunt the area and prevent cameras from taking clear photos, and on some occasions cameras have suddenly died.

Too Close For Comfort - Shark Surprises Paddle Boarder

I love to surf. I love the salty taste of the ocean water and the feeling you get when you ride one of mother natures beautiful waves. However, I hate sharks and I hate how sharks are always lurking in the ocean. Below is an amazing video shot this week in California of a close encounter with these intimidating creatures. Honestly, I would have pooped myself if this happened to me!

While paddle boarding at Manhattan Beach, Mike Durand came way to close to a young Great White shark out for a swim. Durant quickly turned on his GoPro camera and captured this amazing footage. It is estimated that this shark is about 8 ft long. My question is if this is the baby, where is its mommy?

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Frightening Things to do in Salem

When you think of Halloween it's hard not to think of Massachusetts spookiest city. Salem is well know for the witch hunts in the 1600s that led to many villagers being murdered or run out of town. All though Salem has been modernized, it still holds a great deal of America's darkest history. Below is a detailed list of some of the top attractions in Salem today.


Built in 1668, this is the oldest surviving 17th century wooden mansion in New England and one of the most famous houses in America. The House of the Seven Gables inspired author Nathaniel Hawthorne to write his legendary novel of the same name. Visitors can tour the house and other buildings on the campus. Guided tours and group tours are available for a small fee. More info on rates and reservations can be found HERE.  


Located  in the heart of historic Salem, Hawthorne Hotel has a rich history which began in 1925 and has welcomed numerous leisure travelers as well as celebrities and ghosts. Over the years, episodes of iconic shows including Bewitched and Ghost Hunters  have all been filmed on this historic property. Room 612 and room 325 are reported to be the most haunted rooms in the hotel. Do you think you have what it takes to spend the night? More info about the Hawthrone hotel can be found HERE.


The Salem witchcraft trials took place between February 1692 and May 1693. During the trials, 19 people were convicted and hanged. Among the judges who convicted the witches was Jonathan Corwin, whose home is today the only structure left with direct ties to the trials. Today the house is a museum focusing on 17th-century living. It's one of the last remaining links to that time in American history. More info about visiting this historic house can be found HERE


The most haunted place in Salem is the Joshua Ward House, which housed the man who served as Sheriff during the Salem witch trials. A gruesome death occurred in this house where the Sheriff crushed a man accused of using witchcraft to death, and this man is said to haunt the Joshua Ward House today.


This is the one place is Salem that truly scared me as a child. The wax figures are very disturbing and even more so because they depict true events.  This museum depicts Salem's vivid history from it's founding in 1626 through the terrifying hysteria of 1692. Behind the Wax Museum building is the Old Burial Point, reputed to be the second oldest burial ground in the country and open to museum visitors. Adjacent to the Old Burying Point is the Witch Trials Memorial erected in memory of the victims of the witch hunt of 1692. The memorial is also open to museum visitors. More info about the wax museum can be found HERE


At this museum you are treated to a live reenactment of the Salem Witch Trails. You'll experience the acclaimed performance of the witch trial adapted from the 1692 historical transcripts. After the trail, guest are taken on a tour through the terrifying dungeon. More info can be found HERE 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Boston Ghost Tours

What better city is out there to do a ghost tour than Boston. There is so much history on the streets of Boston that I'm sure some historic figures still roam the streets. Boston Ghost Tours is a trolly/walking tour that takes you through the ghostly streets of Boston. 

"Walk amongst the dead in burying grounds nearly four hundred years old, hear stories of those whose mortal remains lie beneath your feet, and listen to tales of many of the sordid practices that went along with them. Venture to the site of the biggest grave-robbing scandal in New England’s history. And ask yourselves - are you afraid of being buried alive? Walk atop Boston’s largest unmarked burying ground and hear tales of the tortures, punishments and executions that took place there. You may even find yourselves involved in some…

Boston has found itself plagued with some of history’s most nefarious figures – The Boston Strangler, Jolly Jane, Dr. John Webster, Cotton Mather, amongst a slew of other assorted characters.
The city proper is not the only source of stories here. Boston Harbor played a pivotal role in the formation and daily life – and death – of Boston citizens. With drowning being an occupational hazard of a sailor’s life, the Harbor is home to many a dark tale of death in freezing waters" ( 

These tours run rain or shine and the website suggest people wear comfortable shoes for the two 20 min walking portions. The length of the tour is about 1 hr and 30 mins and children under 6 are NOT allowed. This tour boards beside the Marriott Long Wharf Hotel on 200 ATLANTIC AVE. 
For more info about the tour schedules check out their website GHOST TOUR SCHEDULE


Adult Ticket$39.90$35.91
Seniors*, Students, Military$36.75$33.08
Child Ticket (ages 6-12)*$25.20$22.68