
Monday, December 16, 2013

50 State Challenge - Kansas

When you think of Kansas you might just think it's another state in the Midwest for you to quickly drive through. However, there is more to Kansas that meets the eye, like Mushroom Rock State Park.

Off of Highway 140 in Kansas' is a small state park called Mushroom Rock State Park. It is a 5 acre park that is surrounded by farms and cattle. If you are looking for peace and quiet than this is the park for you. You have to go down miles of dirt roads to reach the park and on rainy days the dirt road can be treacherous. Often times you will notice that there isn't a soul in sight, so this park makes for an ideal spot for a romantic picnic

There are two huge mushroom shaped rocks in the tiny state park and there are several other oddly shaped rocks located there too. The two largest are approximately 25 ft tall, with caps about 15 ft wide. These rocks once served as meeting places and landmarks for Native Americans and early pioneers, like Kit Carson and John C. Fremont. They also say you are no longer allowed to climb on top of the rocks, but most people park their car under them and attempt to climb up anyway.

If you are in the area plug this address into your GPS and have fun exploring this tiny yet beautiful park.
Ave K, Carneiro, KS 67425

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