
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Cape Cod 2013 Day 1

My alarm went off at 7:30 am on August 3rd; it was the start of my vacation. My sister and I loaded the car with our belongings and waited for our friends Erik and Susan to arrive. They arrived around 8:15ish and we followed Erik to Cape Cod. We decided to leave so early in the morning in hopes that we could beat that horrible Cape traffic and as luck would have it we only experienced about a 2 mile backup.

We finally arrived in Hyannis around 11ish and headed straight to Craigville beach. The clouds decided to creep in and hide the sun. Even though it was a crappy beach day we still grabbed the cooler full of beers and went to the beach. My friends Jen and Steve joined us at the beach a few minutes after we got there. Unfortunately the clouds didn't go away and what started with a few drops, quickly became a steady rainfall. Instead of trying to get drunk in the rain, we thought it would be a better idea to get drunk at a bar. Erik, Susan, Kelly, Jen, Steve and I decided that Spanky's Clam Shack was the best place to kill some time before we were able to get our Cape house. Spanky's is a cute restaurant by the water on Ocean Street in Hyannis. It has everything a seafood lover could want and for those that hate seafood (like me) there are plenty of other options to have.

Finally it was 3 pm and our cape house was ready. My friends and I made it to our Cape house and Tom (the owner) was nice enough to leave us a bag of Cape Cod potato chips, Salt water Taffy and a bottle of Champagne. More friends arrived and that's when the madness began.

I can't turn down a swig of bubbly
In total about 15 of my friends came that night to party it up. We played a pretty intense game of volleyball (my team won of course!), corn hole, ate some grillables and then drank like Nicolas Cage in Leaving Las Vegas.

The boys playing corn hole
After we ate, some friends wanted to go to a bar called Trader Ed's. When the sun finally went down everybody but Steve, Chris, John, and myself went to Trader Ed's. I decided to stay back because my friends John and Steven didn't want to go and I felt bad leaving them behind. We played pool and the drinking game asshole. Now I thought I was drunk, when my friends came back from the bar they were shit faced.

A couple of my friends passed out the second they got home. My sister fell down the basement steps and spilled an entire can of beer on herself and somehow the ceiling. Julie decided the best way to clean it up was with plastic bags. My friend Steve spilled a beer on the pool table and I found my another friend passed out in the back yard.

My friends absolutely shit faced
Beer pong, asshole, ring toss and numerous other drinking games were played that night. It was probably one of the best times I've had in a while. However, waking up the next morning was not as fun.  This is Day 1 of 7 in the books, stay tune for Day 2!!

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