
Thursday, May 30, 2013

50 State Challenge - DELAWARE (For real this time)

This is the real 50 State Challenge post. The other one was a joke and I just had to show that clip from Wayne's World. Hopefully there's no hard feeling from my readers in Delaware.

Even though Delaware is not one of the most popular or well known states, I still found something interesting to write about. I had no idea that the Dogfish Head Brewery was located in Delaware and I bet you didn't either!

Dogfish Head is Delaware's first brewpub and it was one of the smallest commercial breweries in America. It only took a few years before the word spread and Dogfish Head had to expand. They now operate out of a 100,000 square foot production brewery in Milton, Delaware and they also opened Rehoboth Beach Brewpub & Distillery.

Milton Microbrewery:

  • Tours are free but they do recommend you make reservations because each tour is limited in size and they fill up quickly!
  • 4 samples are given at the end of each tour.
  • The Tasting Room is open Tuesday-Saturday from 11 am to 5 pm
More info on the tours can be found HERE

***This location is under renovation so the tour may be slightly different then what it usually is. Tours should return to normal sometime in June***

Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
6 Cannery Village Center
Milton, DE 19968

Rehoboth Beach Brewpub & Distillery:
  • Happy Hour is from 3-6 pm every weekday.
  • Every Monday and Friday they have the Randall filter set up. Info on what the hell a Randall Filter is click HERE
  • Every Friday and Saturday there is free live music.
  • Also is an amazing restaurant and the menu can be found HERE
More info on the Rehoboth Beach Brewpub & Distillery click HERE

320 Rehoboth Avenue
Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
302-226-BREW (2739)


Yeah that's right, Dogfish Head offers more than just great beers.....they also make spirits!! Dogfish Head also makes its own hand-distilled spirits, including rum, vodka and gin (Jin). 

So, if you ever find yourself in Delaware (for whatever reason) or driving through it, stop at the Dogfish Head Brewery and try some of their unique tasting beer and spirits!

Best Tents Under $100

Great article about some amazing tents that are all under $100.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

50 State Challenge - DELAWARE


The Hot New Tourist Destination

Check out this article about 2013 top new tourist destination. I was caught off guard by the top destination this year, definitely thought it would be Paris or Rome.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

A Favor For My Readers

Hey guys!! I wanted to ask you a favor. Can you guys click the link and vote for my dog Pete. Pete has been entered in a contest and whatever 12 dogs get the most votes they get a spot on the ROAR calendar. This is for a good cause and it only take 30 seconds to vote!!


50 State Challenge - CONNECTICUT

I bet everyone thought I was going to write about Foxwoods Casino or Mohegan Sun Casino or maybe even Mystic. If ya thought I was going to write about those things than you are new to this blog. Todays post is going to be about a little lesser known gem called Gillette Castle State Park.

Gillette Castle State park is situated between the towns of East Haddam and Lyme, CT and it sits above  the Connecticut River. Gillette Castle got its name because it was owned and designed by Actor William Gillette who was most famous for playing Sherlock Holmes. Gillette built the castle in 1914 on over 180 acres of land on a chain of hills called the Seven Sisters. When Gillette died in 1937, he was not married and did not have any children so Connecticut's government took over the property in 1943. They renamed Gillette's home as Gillette's Castle and named the estate Gillette Castle State Park.

An interior shot of Gillette's Castle
The park consists of the castle and it's grounds that now includes a museum, and several hiking trails. he grounds are breath taking and there are amazing views of the river. The Castle is the main attraction though, and it is easy to see why. It is strikingly beautiful on the outside and in the inside it is even more spectacular. There are a number of oddities inside the castle designed personally by Gillette. Some of the oddities are unusual doorknobs (no 2 doors look a like), weird locks, a system of hidden mirrors used for surveillance and a lock protected bar. 

Gillette Castle State Park is open from 8 a.m. until sunset year round. While admission to tour the grounds is free, there is a charge of $6 for those over the age of 13 and $2 for children under 13. Gillette Castle is located at 67 River Road in East Haddam, CT. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

'Game of Thrones' Filming Location That You Can Visit

If you haven't heard of 'Games of Thrones' then I feel bad for you because you are missing out on one of the best shows on television right now. If you happen to be one of the millions of fans then you are going to love the article I found on Yahoo about where to visit the locales of the show.

The Best Museums to See This Summer

I found a great article from Yahoo travel about some of the best new museums to check out this summer. Click the link below to read the article.

Monday, May 20, 2013

50 State Challenge - COLORADO

Colorado is such a beauty of a state. There is so much to do that it's hard to pick just one thing to talk about. I decide to pick something that truly represents the people of Colorado. Colorado is literally littered with amazing bike paths and it is also literally littered with bars and breweries. So what better thing to write about than a Beer & Bike Tour!

Catch a ride on the party bike

A friend of mine went to Boulder, Colorado a few weeks ago to visit some friends. She told me of all the fun stories of her time in Boulder but one story in particular stuck out. I was intrigued and jealous to hear about her time spent on a party bike, drinking and riding from bar to bar. I asked her what company she went through and she sent me to a website called 

As the website states Myhandlebar is a "giant 16 passenger bar bike with several pedaling seats in an awesome Eco-friendly way to cruise around Boulder, Colorado Springs and Fort Collins with friends or crawl from pub to pub". 

  • Choose up to five bars for each tour
  • All routes begin and end at 2206 Pearl Street in downtown Boulder.
More info about the Boulder Tour here

  • The newest edition to MyHandleBars!!
  • Currently taking reservations
  • Partnered with Jose Muldoons offering Thirsty Thursday specials ($2 margaritas $1 coronitas) everyday for riders
  • Can choose up to 5 bars
  • Route starts at Pateros Creek Brewery @ 2 N. College Ave.
More info here

So far, so good, right? If you've liked what you've read, you probably do not think this could get any better. WRONG! The cherry on top here is the pricing. This is totally affordable for you and your friends and all pricing can be found here. I don't know about you guys but the next time I am in Colorado I am definitely booking a ride with!!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Lost City Found in Rain Forest

Check out the link of a possible lost city found in the rain forests of Honduras. 

Lost City Link

50 State Challenge - CALIFORNIA

What can I say about California that you don't already know? Everyone knows about Hollywood, L.A., San Fransico, Redwood forest, etc. I'm hoping that today when you read my blog you find out something about California that you had no idea about. So, with that I bring you The Lost Coast Trail.

The Lost Coast is an 80 mile stretch of the California coast where the builders of Highway 1 decided to go around the coast because it was to rough to build off of. This trail takes you down 26 miles of the Lost Coast starting at Mattole and ending at Black Sands Beach. This trail is basically one way so you will need to leave a car at the end (Black Sands Beach) and then drive back to the start of the trail. If you don't feel comfortable leaving your car there (it is about a 3 day hike) you can take a shuttle service. The shuttle service picks you up at Black Sand Beach and brings you back to Mattole for a small fee.

Points of Interest: 
Mattole Trailhead - The start of the trip. There is a bathroom and a water spigot here to fill your water bottle.
Punta Gorda Lighthouse - After hiking along the beach some ways you will come across this old abandoned lighthouse.
Cooskie Creek - A fantastic place to camp for the first night. 
Millers Flat - Great place to camp for the second night. Make sure you camp above the seaweed line and if you are lucky there may be some wooden shelters available. 

Amazingly Awesome Tips:
  • Make sure you buy a map and a tide table because some areas are impassible during high tide.
  • Make sure you bring Bear Canisters because there are a shit load of bears out here. Seriously though...... a shit load!
  • Bring sandals for stream crossing and high tide areas.
  • Bring extra socks because your feet will accidently get wet as you walk along the beach and there is nothing more annoying than wet socks.
  • Have a fun and enjoy the scenery!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Hitchhiker Thumbs it Across the World

Check out the link below about a great story on a French guy who hitchhiked across the world.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Earth - A 30 year Time Lapse Video

Check out the link to view a time lapse video of how the Earth has changed in 30 years 

50 State Challenge - ARKANSAS

What can i say about Arkansas? Not much. To be honest this was one of the states I was not looking forward to when it came time to write about it. I know very little about the state. I basically know what Little Rock is and I know about the West Memphis 3. However, those two are really nothing to write home about. After hours of searching I realize I judged Arkansas a little too harshly and actually found some cool stuff about this naturally beautiful state.


Canoeing is a popular activity to those that frequent the river 
Buffalo National River is America's very first national river and in 1972 it was established. Buffalo National River flows for about 140 miles of raging rapids and quiet natural pools. The entire river is surrounding on both sides by steep bluffs of the Ozark Mountains. 

The Tyler Bend Visitor Center is open all year with the exception of federal holidays. The visitor center is open from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. There also 2 Ranger Stations within the park that are also open from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.  If you are wondering if it cost anything to go to Buffalo National River Park check out this website here

There is never a dull moment when visiting Buffalo National River. Most visitors to the park come to enjoy the river by swimming, canoeing, fishing, tubing, and kayaking. If water activities aren't your thing then there are plenty of other activities for you to do. Hiking, picnicking, horseback riding, hunting, sightseeing, cave explorations and bird watching are popular activities. So now if anybody ever ask "what's there to do in Arkansas?" You can tell them to go visit Buffalo National River Park!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

50 State Challenge - ARIZONA

So far we are 2 states into the 50 State Challenge and the next state on the list is the phenomenal state of Arizona. Of course I could write about Arizona most famous landmark, the Grand Canyon but that would be boring. I want to write about something very few people outside of Arizona know about, I am going to write about Slide Rock State Park in Sedona Arizona.

The falls at Rock Slide Park
Slide Rock State Park takes it name from a natural water slide formed by the slippery rocks of Oak Creek. Within the park you can also visit an apple orchid and hike the three main trails. The trails are Pendley Homestead Trail which is 1/4 mile long. Slide Rock Route which is slightly more than 1/4 mile long. The last trail is Clifftop Nature Trail that is also 1/4 mile long.

The natural water slide at Rock Slide State Park. 

Sliding down the rocks is not the only form of entertainment. Visitors can hike, fish (lots of rainbow trout to be caught!), swim, sightsee and watch for Arizona's vast wildlife. The fee for the park is only $10 per car (4 passengers per car) and if you have more that 4 people with you it is $3 per individual. 

During the summer months things can get a little crazy here as locals and tourist flock to the park to cool off. Park hours are from 8am - 6pm and in the summer the hours are 8am - 7pm. The fee for the park also gets bumped up to $20 per car during the summer. I suggest you get here early because the park gets crowed very fast. 

6871 N. Highway 89A
Sedona, AZ
(928) 282-3034

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

50 State Challenge - ALASKA

Alaska "The Last Frontier" or is that outer space? I can't remember. Regardless, Alaska is one of the most beautiful states in America. With it's natural beauty and the abundance of wild life it is hard to pin point one thing for you guys to do. I would usually post about an amazing hiking trail or post about a great spot to view the wildlife, but today I am going to do something different. First off you have to ask yourself "what is Alaska famous for?" And if you answer Sara Palin, please jump in traffic. If you also answer with Deadliest Catch, I'll high five ya before I push you into traffic. Alaska is famous for the gold rush and today I'll let you guys in on an amazing tour where you can actually find and keep gold!!

Photo Courtesy of 

Travel back in time to the Gold Rush days and learn to pan for gold. The Best of Alaska offers an amazing gold mining tour where you and your friends have your own Prospector. The Prospector is dressed in authentic 19th century attire and takes you on a historic tour of Juneau. 

The tour takes the group to a secluded spot near Gold Creek and it is there where your gold mining adventure has begun. The Prospector properly shows everyone how to pan for gold in the creek and you have ample time to try panning by yourself. This tour guarantees that you will find gold and even lets you keep everything that you find!

The tour last an 1 1/2 hrs and it's only $39 for kids and $59 for adults. For more information check out the website 

Be sure to check out  for other tours and adventures.

Monday, May 6, 2013

50 State Challenge - ALABAMA

Today marks the start of the 50 state challenge. Everyday I am going to pick a state and feature one amazing/unique thing that the state has to offer.

View from the inside of Russell Cave
I feel as if Alabama is a forgotten state. When's the last time you heard someone say "I'm going on a vacation...... to Alabama" Yeah, you probably never heard that sentence before. Surprisingly enough there is actually a lot of cool things to do in Alabama and one of them is exploring the Russell Cave System on the Alabama/Tennessee border. 

One of the entrances to Russell Cave in Alabama

The Russell Cave System is located in the northern part of the state near the town of Bridgeport. The cave was once used as a shelter by prehistoric Indians who many believe where the first human settlers in the South. 

Fun Facts:
  • Russell Cave was formed over 300 million years ago at the bottom of an inland sea covering the region. 
  • A natural spring flows into the cave and flows underground for about 2 miles.
  • Flint points and charcoal from campfires found in the cave date back to 6550 - 6145 BCE
  • Russell Cave provides the most thorough records of any prehistoric culture in the Southeast.
  • Russell Cave is home to a rare species of scorpions that exist nowhere else in the world other than Russell Cave.
  • During the first weekend of May, a Native American Festival is held by the cave. The festival includes, storytelling, dancing, and historical reenactments
An artist depictions of the first settlers in Russell Cave
Russell Cave offers adventures two trails (The Nature Trail, The Backcounty Trail). The Nature Trail is  half a mile long paved trail.  The Backcountry Trail is 1.2 mile unpaved trail. Both trails offer excellent views the forest, flowers and Montague Mountain.  Guided tours are also offered by the Nation Park Service Interpretative Rangers. 

Russell Cave is located at 3729 County Rd 98, Bridgeport Alabama.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Death Valley Dreamlapse Video

Check out the link below to see the new video from Sunchaser Pictures "Death Valley Dreamlapse 2".