
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

50 State Challenge - ALASKA

Alaska "The Last Frontier" or is that outer space? I can't remember. Regardless, Alaska is one of the most beautiful states in America. With it's natural beauty and the abundance of wild life it is hard to pin point one thing for you guys to do. I would usually post about an amazing hiking trail or post about a great spot to view the wildlife, but today I am going to do something different. First off you have to ask yourself "what is Alaska famous for?" And if you answer Sara Palin, please jump in traffic. If you also answer with Deadliest Catch, I'll high five ya before I push you into traffic. Alaska is famous for the gold rush and today I'll let you guys in on an amazing tour where you can actually find and keep gold!!

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Travel back in time to the Gold Rush days and learn to pan for gold. The Best of Alaska offers an amazing gold mining tour where you and your friends have your own Prospector. The Prospector is dressed in authentic 19th century attire and takes you on a historic tour of Juneau. 

The tour takes the group to a secluded spot near Gold Creek and it is there where your gold mining adventure has begun. The Prospector properly shows everyone how to pan for gold in the creek and you have ample time to try panning by yourself. This tour guarantees that you will find gold and even lets you keep everything that you find!

The tour last an 1 1/2 hrs and it's only $39 for kids and $59 for adults. For more information check out the website 

Be sure to check out  for other tours and adventures.

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