
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Beers, Football & A Good Time

Tampa is one of those big cities in Florida where you either hate it or love it. I lived there for 4 years and I am one of those people that hated the city. I'll get into why I hated Tampa at another time but lets just say it is no Boston, Massachusetts. The one silver lining for Tampa is a bar located in the Soho district that goes by the name MacDintons.

When I went to the University of Tampa (2005-2009) my go to bar was MacDintons. I even lived a blocked over from it my senior year. This bar is just a fun and cheap place to go to. During the day it is very chill and laid back but at night you are competing with the hottest of the hot in Tampa. 

Every night they have different special (you can view them all here) and my personal favorites were Happy Hour on Fridays and on Sundays when you could bring your dog to the bar. It use to be every Sunday you could bring your dog but I think they have changed it to only a couple times a month. But  enough about dogs getting shit tanked at the bar, lets dive to Happy Hour. 

A busy night at MacDintons
Now I know most people have been to a Happy Hour before but I guarantee you never went to a Happy Hour like the one on Friday nights at MacDintons. Check out "Crazy Happy Hour" as described on the MacDintons website:

Every Friday night from 6pm-8pm

$10 Open Bar includes
ALL Draft Beers, Heineken Light bottles, House Wines & Well Liquors, inc Jack Daniels, Finlandia Vodka's & Southern Comfort cocktails. 
50c wings from 4pm until midnight.

From 8-Close
$3 Southern Comfort, Soco Cherry or Soco Lime Shots
$4 Heineken Light Bottles
$5 Bacardi
$7 Grey Goose

Wristbands are on sale at the door from 6pm.

MacDinton's is a 21 and over venue, for Guys & Girls.
You must have a valid picture ID to enter. 
25 and under requires 2 forms of ID.

It's safe to assume I got very and some might dare say extremely intoxicated during Happy Hour. It starts at 6 and the line to get in can be very long. I would always get there 10-15 minutes before 6 to try and be at the front of the line. Happy Hour can get very crowed but Macdintons has several bars located inside and outside so it never feels like you can't get a drink. 

My roommate (right) and I (left) at the start of Happy Hour

Trust me when I say that if you are ever in Tampa, you have to check out MacDintons on South Howard in the Soho district. And for all the amateurs out there take a little advice from a seasoned vet and pace yourself. You don't want to be one of those fools that are passing out an hour into it! Even if the Happy Hour is not your thing, their food is amazing (try the Philly Cheese Steak for only $8.50). MacDintons is also home to fanatic football (Soccer for Americans) fans. At the heart, this is truly a football bar because they play every European game that is available to watch on TV. Stop by for a drink and let me know if you like my old stomping grounds.


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