
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

An Inspiring Book for the Adventurer in all of us

Several months ago I bought Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed. I completely forgot about it and left it in my bookshelf to collect dust. It wasn't until a week ago when I rediscovered the book and decided to read it.  This book was truly one of the most inspiring books I have ever read and it made want to hike the PCT

Plot: (Taken from Review)

At age 26, following the death of her mother, divorce, and a run of reckless behavior, Cheryl Strayed found herself alone near the foot of the Pacific Crest Trail--inexperienced, over-equipped, and desperate to reclaim her life.Wild tracks Strayed's personal journey on the PCT through California and Oregon, as she comes to terms with devastating loss and her unpredictable reactions to it. While readers looking for adventure or a naturalist's perspective may be distracted by the emotional odyssey at the core of the story, Wild vividly describes the grueling life of the long-distance hiker, the ubiquitous perils of the PCT, and its peculiar community of wanderers. Others may find her unsympathetic--just one victim of her own questionable choices. But Strayed doesn't want sympathy, and her confident prose stands on its own, deftly pulling both threads into a story that inhabits a unique riparian zone between wilderness tale and personal-redemption memoir. --Jon Foro

Everyone should check this book out for an amazing literary adventure and let me know what you think!!

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