
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Hiking Buddy Is A Must For These Trail

Screw thunder buddies, it's all about hiking buddies now.  I really don't think I could hike these trails by myself after reading about there history. Check out the link below and see if you have the gonads to do these trails without getting scared.

I'M BACK!!!!

As you can tell, I have been MIA lately. I have been incredibly busy (new job, new house, new city). Starting today is the revamped version of this blog. So sit back and enjoy all the new post that are coming your way!!!!

-The Cheap Adventurer 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

25 Things To Do In Boston For Under $25

Boston is one of the most beautiful cities to visit, especially in the spring time. Spring is the perfect season for Boston because it's not too hot or too cold. The Magnolia trees are blooming and the entire city is coming out of a deep freeze known as a New England winter. Below is a link to an article from BOSTON.COM about cheap activities to do in Boston during the spring. Check it out and have fun exploring this wonderful city.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Fun Times at The Children's Museum

I recently took about 30 kindergartners to Boston's Children's Museum. I haven't been to this museum in about 20 years so I was excited to revisit my childhood all over again.  My kindergartners had a blast there and they were emotionally distraught when it was time to go back home.

When we first arrived at the museum we decided to go all the way up to the top floor and work our way down. Our first stop was the construction zone, where kids could play with building blocks, climb, and operate a mini bobcat. They absolutely loved this room, and had a great time wearing hard hats and crawling across a bridge hanging from the ceiling.  We then moved on to a music themed room that had lots of buttons and gadgets for the kids to touch.

The second floor was my kindergartners favorite floor. We immediately went into a room called Peeps World, and it looks like something from the mind of a child. The room is so colorful and innocent looking. On one side there is dark pathways were kids can use flashlights to make fun cool shadows. On the other side of the room are water stations were kids can "dig up buried treasure".

Some of my Kindergartners enjoying the water stations at Peep's World

From Peep's World we ended up in the land of Arthur and Friends. This exhibit in the museum is based off of Marc Brown's beloved children book series called Arthur. I found this exhibit to be the coolest because you do feel like you have been transported into a childrens book. There is Arthur's Auditorium where you can stand in front of a green screen and put on a show. However, if you are one of my kindergartners then you'll use that green screen to moon everyone watching. Another part of the exhibit that the kids seemed to really enjoy was a cockpit of a airplane. 

We moved down to the ground floor to explore some more exhibits. It was jammed packed with kids so we decided to take them outside so they could run around and hang out. Outside of the museum features a grassy knoll with one of the best views of the Boston skyline. Its such a great photo opt that I had to snag a few photos. 

I recommend the Children's Museum to anyone with kids 3-6. If you have older kids, they may get bored so I would just bring the little guys. Admission is $14 for adults and children ( a cheap price for a Boston attraction). The Museum is open Saturday - Thursday 10am to 5pm and Friday 10am to 9pm.  

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

41 New Travel Destinations to Add to Your Bucket List

It's time to get out your bucket list and add on a few more destinations. I recently stumbled upon a list of 41 stunningly beautiful list of travel destinations that are a must see! The original post is from TheChive.Com and the original link to the article can be found below.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

For The Traveling Alcoholic In All Of Us......

Below is a link to an informative slideshow about the 10 best drinking streets in the world.  So if you like to travel and you like to throw a few back, check out the link. 


Thursday, March 6, 2014

First the Polar Bears Now This

When I first read that in 50 years Polar Bears would be extinct, I became depressed. I just stumbled upon an article that got me even more depressed about Earths future. The article (link to it can be found below) is about how climate change will destroy the Great Barrier Reef by 2030. Its hard to imagine how spoiled we are with Earths natural beauties and animals and how our children might exist in a world without them. Please read the article and share it!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

50 State Challenge - Maine

When you think of Maine you probably think of the famous Maine lobster, rocky coastline, and beautiful mountains. When you think of Maine, I can promise that you would never think of a desert.


Locate in Freeport, Maine is New England's one and only desert.  The Desert of Maine is 40 acres of exposed glacial silt (which is a sand-like substance, but much finer than sand) surrounded by a pine tree forest. 

Background Info:

The Desert of Maine came to be when the Tuttle family purchased it and began farming in 1797.  A poorly run farm combine with land clearance and overgrazing by sheep led to soil erosion. The soil erosion then led to the land exposing a dune of glacial silt that gradually spread and took over the farm land. In 1919, Henry Goldrup purchased the land from the Tuttles and converted it to the tourist attraction it is today.

Visiting The Desert:

As of right now (3/5/14) the desert is closed to the public but will be opened from May 6th - October 14th. The admission rates are broken down to into three categories. Adults have to pay $10.50, teens (13-17) pay $7.75 and kids pay $6.75. 

There are 30 minute tour rides starting at 9 am and the last one leaves at around 4:30 pm. The Desert of Maine also offers walking trails and marked nature trails and kids 12 and under can do a FREE gemstone hunt! A new butterfly room has been added and it comes included with the cost of entry. There is enough fun things to do here that it will keep the kids entertained for hours. 

Deserts Dunes of Maine Campground is set in the pine forest adjacent to the actual desert.  Campers receive a pass to explore the nature/walking trails, the Desert, the 1790s Tuttle Barn and its museum.  The 2014 Camping Rates can be found HERE 

95 Desert Rd. Freeport, ME 04032
Phone #: 207.865.6962

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Face Meet Whale Tail, Whale Tail Meet Face!

Everyone has heard of that joke; What does the five fingers say to the face? SLAP! Well, what does a whale tail say to the face?

On February 25th a hilarious video was uploaded on YouTube of an unsuspecting woman getting whacked in the face by a whale. Check out the video below to see the slap heard around the ocean

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

50 State Challenge - Louisiana

This weeks 50 state challenge is Kisatchie National Forest in Louisiana. Kisatchie National Forest has more than 604,000 acres and it is spread across seven parishes in Louisiana. The forest is divided into five managed units called Ranger Districts: Calcasieu, Caney, Catahoula, Kisatchie and Winn.


  • Southernmost district
  • Features Valentine Lake and Fullerton Lake.
  • The Wild Azalea National Recreation Trail, Ouiski Chito Creek Trail, and the Indian Ridge Trail are just some of the trails found in this district.
  • The remains of Camp Claiborne can be found here.

  • Located northeast of Shreveport.
  • Great place for boating in the many lakes. 
  • Great area for hiking and biking.
  • Remains of Camp Livingston can be found here.
  • There is a hummingbird and butterfly garden.


  • Longleaf Trail National Byway.
  • Several horse trails.
  • Sandstone Bluffs can be found here.

  • Popular spot for hunting.
  • Cloud Crossing Recreation Complex is an ideal spot for canoeing and boating.

What's so special about Kisatchie National Forest? Well, for starters it is protects a wide array of plant species including carnivorous plants and wild orchids like the Pink Pogonia Orchid. It also protects rare animals like the Louisiana Pine Snake, the Red-cockaded Woodpecker, the Louisiana Black Bear and the Louisiana Pearlshell Mussel.

Some Things To Do:

  • Bicycling - There are several different trails for mountain biking and for road cycling. More info HERE
  • Canoeing 
  • Fishing - There are over 10 lakes and ponds to fish in. More info HERE 
  • Birdwatching
  • Hiking - Over 100 miles of trails Info on trails HERE
  • Horse back riding
  • Hunting - The forest allows big game and small game hunting. More info HERE
  • Camping

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Mysterious Caves Found On Cliffside

I am a little late to the party with this as the story broke in August. However, I just discovered this article and thought it was so cool that I had to share it with others. So, check out some of these photos by Cory Richards of the caves and then click the link below to read an amazing article by Anthony Bond.

Dangerous: Climber Cedar Wright explores the series of caves near the village of Tsele

Monday, January 27, 2014

Booze Map of The World

Illustration credit: Richie King,  Quartz

So what alcohol does your country like???

Thursday, January 23, 2014

50 State Challenge - Kentucky

For this weeks 50 State Challenge I am going to be highlighting Buffalo Trace Distillery in Kentucky.   Buffalo Trace Distillery is located in Frankfort, Kentucky and is the oldest continuously operating distillery in the United States. The distillery is located on what the company claims was once an ancient buffalo crossing on the banks of the Kentucky River. In 2001, Buffalo Trace Distillery was listed on the National Register of Historic places and in 2013 it became a National Historic Landmark.

Heaven in a bottle!

  •  The Trace Tour - This tour is complimentary and includes a tasting of there products. Visitors are welcome to walk in with no reservation needed unless you have a group of 25 or more. During the tour you will watch a video about the history of the distillery, walk along the path of rolling bourbon barrels. Venture through warehouses and explore Blanton's Bottling Hall where you will witness the bourbons being filled, labeled, sealed and packaged. This tour last one hour and runs every hour on the hour from 9 am to 4 pm.
  • Hard Hat Tour - Requires a reservation. It runs Monday - Friday at 10:30 am and 1:30 pm. It last one hour. This tour is an insiders look into the behind the scenes work. You can witness the grain delivery, cooking process, fermentation and distillation. Also included in the tour is a stop at E.H. Taylor Jr Microstill, where unique and award winning Experimental Collection whiskies are made. This tour is complimentary and also includes a tasting. 
  • National Historic Landmark Tour - Requires a reservation and last one hour. Monday - Friday 11:30 am. This tour is complimentary and also includes a tasting.  This is an educational tour that focuses on the buildings, architecture and the history of the years between 1933-1953. 
  • Bourbon Barrel Tour - Requires a reservation and last one hour. Monday - Friday 9:30 am. This tour is complimentary and also includes a tasting. During this tour you learn about the barrels on their journey throughout the distillery. 
  • Ghost Tour - Requires a reservation and last one hour. Thursday - Saturday starting at 7 pm. This tour is complimentary and also includes a tasting. The distillery was featured on Ghost Hunters and has long been rumored to have been haunted. On this tour you can hear legendary stories and visit haunted sites, including the rarely visited Stony Point Mansion. 
Even if you do not have time for the tour, you can still stop by and enjoy a tasting!


Friday, January 10, 2014

Battleship Cove

I would love to say that I make a living off of travel writing but at the moment thats not happening. I work with elementary school aged kids and on Christmas break a few weeks ago we went on an amazing field trip to Battleship Cove in Fall River Massachusetts.

Birds eye view of Battleship Cove  Photo Courtesy of wikipedia
Before this field trip, I never heard of Battleship Cove and to be frank I had no idea that Massachusetts even had Battleships on display. Battleship Cove is located on 5 Water Street in Fall River. Battleship Cove is open 362 days a year, only closing on Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Day. The fall/winter hours are from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm and the spring/summer hours are from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.  

Battleship Cove prides itself on staying affordable to the general public. The breakdown of Admissions goes a little something like this....
Adults $17
Seniors $15
Kids aged 6-12 $10.50
Kids under 6 FREE
For more info on admissions click HERE 

The massive cannons on the USS Massachusetts
Now on to the fun stuff! Located at Battleship Cove are a number of maritime ships. The biggest and most impressive ship is the USS Massachusetts a.k.a Big Mamie. According to Battleship Coves' website the history of USS Massachusetts goes a little something like this....

"Battleship Massachusetts went into action on November 8, 1942, as part of Operation Torch, the invasion of North Africa. While cruising off the city of Casablanca, Morocco, the Battleship engaged in a gun duel with the unfinished French battleship Jean BartBattleship Massachusetts helped sink two destroyers, two merchant ships, a floating dry-dock, and heavily damaged buildings and docks in Casablanca. The Battleship also saw action in the New Guinea-Solomons area and participated in the invasion of the Gilbert Islands in November 1943, the invasion of the Marshall Islands in January 1944, the powerful carrier strikes against Truk in February 1944, and a series of raids against Japanese bases in the Western Pacific and Asia. Big Mamie's 16" guns pounded Iwo Jima and Okinawa before their invasion in 1945, and by July of that year she was off Japan with the Third Fleet. The Battleship bombarded the Imperial Iron and Steel Works at Kamaishi, and then sailed south to bombard a factory at Hamamatsu. Returning to Kamaishi, Battleship Massachusetts fired the last American 16" projectile of the war." (

USS Massachusetts - photo courtesy of wikipedia
Now this ship is MASSIVE. You can explore basically everything on this ship. The deck is loaded with inoperable guns and cannons that make for a great photo shoot. The kids I went with absolutely loved playing with the enormous guns. There are several doors leading you into the ship where you can explore more. It you are claustrophobic, I wouldn't venture into the ship. Once inside, you can view the infirmary, the bunks, the engine room, the kitchen, and where they ate. The kids absolutely loved exploring the ins and outs of this battleship!

There is also a submarine at the cove called USS Lionfish, but we did not get a chance to check it out due to time constraints. The other ship that we went on is the USS Joseph P. Kennedy Jr.  This ship was much smaller than the USS Massachusetts but it was just as cool to explore. The wind was blowing hard and the temperature was dropping so we took the kids to see some exhibits that were located inside. 

One of the PT Boats on display
Some of the inside exhibits are two PT boats, that kids thought were "wicked cool". A list of other exhibits can be found HERE. All in all this was a great field trip. If you bring kinds they will have a great time exploring the ships and pretending to use the huge guns. I do have to say though, the steps are steep and some areas are hard to maneuver, so toddlers are probably not the best to bring with you. Also I suggest you do the exact opposite that we did and go when its not 20 degrees out. 
