
Friday, July 26, 2013

Haunted Ireland

I have not really written too much posts about locations outside the US and thats because I haven't really gotten the chance to explore Europe, Asia, Bora Bora (someday!!!) or any other country that cost over $1,000 in airfare. I still consider myself cultured though. I mean, I have watch a show or two on BBC and I have seen movies with that writing on the bottom..... I think they are called subtitles. Just now I stumbled upon a really interesting article about Ireland and some of their notorious haunted locations. Check out the link below! And here I though that the Pooka was the only thing scary in Ireland (see I am cultured, I mention the infamous Pooka)

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

50 State Challenge - IOWA

Who remembers that amazing baseball movie from 80s called Field of Dreams? This movie is one of my favorites and it's one of my dad's favorite movie too. In fact I think this is one of the only movies where my dad has been known to shed a tear or two....... or sob like baby.

This is the scene that always gets my dad. Try not to cry!

Need a box of tissues? It's okay you can borrow mine.

Any who, back to the great state of Iowa and this amazing baseball movie. As you may or not know Field of Dreams was filmed in Iowa and I had to know if that field was still there. To my surprise the field is still there and is now a popular tourist attraction.

A pick up game with the movie house in the background

The field which is for obvious reasoning called "Field of Dreams" is located at 28995 Lansing Rd in Dyersville, Iowa. The field looks the same as it did when the movie crew built it in 1988.  Visitors are welcome to arrive anytime between 8 am to sunset.

You are allowed to venture onto the field and toss the ball around. If you are lucky enough you may be able to see a random pick up game in progress or even participate in a game. Souvenirs are sold at little stands where you can also pick up some movie memorabilia. If you find yourself in Iowa stop by this heavenly field and have a catch!! Just remember it may look like heaven but it's only Iowa

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

For All You Science Geeks Out There.....

Check out the link below to see some pretty amazing photos of Earth & other planets. These picture will literally blow your mind.... well, not literally but you get my drift. 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Scariest Mountain Trail In The World

I'm sure there is alot of you out there that thinks you hiked or walked a scary trail. Was the trail to steep? Was it too close to the edge? Well, in China there is a Mountain trail that the Cheap Adventurer is labeling it the "Scariest Mountain Trail in the World"

Mt. Huashan cliffside trail looks like a cruel joke, but in fact it is fairly popular amongst adventurers. I have never done this but I stumbled upon a video today and had to share this with you guys. I could post pictures of the trail but it does not do justice to how truly scary this looks. So i figured I would share a couple videos with you.

Below is a video of a man walking the trail WITHOUT a harness. It is also a video of a man who has biggest balls on this planets.

This is a longer video of the trail. It shows a little bit more than the above video. These kids DO use a harness.

So, after viewing these videos would any of you guys do this?

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Crazy Guy Wrestles Shark

This guy is insane and has to have a set of steel balls to do this. Check out the link below to see the video.

Massachusetts Deadliest Waterfall

Bash Bish Falls ( I know, I know, you want to call it Bish Bash Falls) is a waterfall in Bash Bish Falls State Park located in western Mass near the New York Boarder. Bash Bish Falls State Park is located next to both Massachusetts Mount Washington State Forest and New York's Taconic State Park.  It is the highest waterfall in the state and is also the deadliest. 

Although this waterfall is deadly, it is also extremely beautiful. From the top of the falls known to locals as the "summit" you can see all the way into New York. The most picturesque portion of the falls is the final cascade that is split into twin falls by a large rock. The protruding rock forms an 50 ft "V" shape waterfall. 


According to The Berkshires website the legend goes a little something like this:

"Legend has it that a beautiful Indian woman, called Bash Bish, lived in a village near the Falls. She was a cheerful sister to all. Yet one day a jealous friend accused her of adultery. She pleaded innocent before the village council, but the stern elders sentenced her to death. She was to be strapped to a canoe and turned loose upstream from the Falls.
The moment before her execution, the rays of the sun formed a halo around her body and a ring of colorful butterflies fluttered around her head.
The canoe plunged into the Falls. Smashed, it was retrieved from the pool at the base of the Falls, but no trace of Bash Bish's body was found. Villagers concluded Bash Bish was a witch. The memory of her execution haunted their sleep for years to come.
The story might have ended there had Bash Bish not left a young daughter, White Swan. White Swan grew to enjoy health, beauty, and the love of Whirling Wind, a great chief's son. But some unexplainable loneliness often caused her to climb to the gorge above the Falls. When she discovered she was unable to give Whirling Wind children, she decided to end her life by plunging into the turbulent waters of the Falls. Whirling Wind, who without White Swan's knowledge had followed her up the gorge, followed his love into the water.
Once again, the villagers searched the lower pool. Although they found Whirling Wind's battered body, they never found any sign of White Swan. It is said the images of Bash Bish and White Swan sometimes appear fleetingly in the Falls."

Bash Bish Falls saw it's deadliest years in the 1960s when several people died from drowning and or falling from a steep drop. In 1973 the state of Massachusetts installed railing to prevent falls and a number of warning around the falls. Even though protective measures have been taken, more than 25 deaths have occurred at the Falls. In 2010 AOL travel named the falls one of the ten "Most Dangerous Travel Destinations In The World" the link to this can be found here.

If you have the guts to visit Bash Bish Falls, I stress that you do not take the warnings lightly. Bash Bish Falls is located on Falls Road off East Street in Mt. Washington, Massachusetts. Bash Bish Falls is approximately 145 miles from Boston and 125 miles from New York City.

Thursday, July 11, 2013


Indiana is a wonderful state that has some much to offer. One of the obvious attraction coming out of Indiana is the Indy 500, but today I'm going to write about another popular attraction. The Marengo Cave is located in Marengo Indiana and is a great place to take the family.


On September 6 1883 two school children discovered a large sink hole and decided to explore it. Upon exploring the sink hole they found the cave and alerted the land owner. It is believed that no human enter this cave until its discovery in 1883. 


A section of "The Crawl"
The Crawl is available year round is for children ages 8 and up. It cost $3 per person and last about 30 mins. The Crawl simulates what Marengo Caves exploring trips are like, except without the water and mud aspect of cave exploring. 

There are two main walking trails at Marengo Cave; The Crystal Palace and The Dripstone Trail. 

Crystal Palace - More info HERE
Dripstone Trail - More Info HERE

Cave Exploring is the most popular activity to do here and for more information click HERE

Gemstone mining is available March through October and ages 5 and up are welcome to participate. The cost ranges from $4.99 - $8.99 and you are allowed to take home any gems that you find. 


Open Daily at 9 am.

Spring & Fall & Winter: 9 am - 5 pm
Memorial Day thru Labor Day : 9 am - 6:30 pm
Closed on Thanksgiving and Christmas

400 East State Rd 64
Marengo IN 47140

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Newest Wonders of the World 2013

Check out the link below to see the newest wonders of the world.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

My Message To Bostonians

July 4th is always a big holiday, especially for the people of Boston. Some people head down to the cape, some stay local and a lot of people go into Boston to see the famous firework show. This year is a special year though. 

A few months back two cowards bomb another big day in Boston, the Boston Marathon. Through intense interrogation the surviving suspect has told authorities that they originally planned to bomb the Boston Pops July 4th concert. So this year things are going to be a little intense at the concert. Lines will be long, bags will be check and police will be everywhere. So please be patience if you are going into to Boston and remember that those cops are just doing their job to protect you. 

I hope so many people venture into Boston on the 4th to show the nation and the coward that Bostonians are not afraid. This years 4th has a lot more meaning to it and I hope it's the best Boston Pops ever!! Hope to see everyone there!


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Angry Elephant Charges at Car

So lesson learned........don't park your car too close to an angry elephant. Check out the link below to see the video of the elephant charging at a car

Monday, July 1, 2013

50 State Challenge - Illinois

Illinois was a tough one to write about. I am stilling hurting from when the Blackhawks beat the Bruins in the Stanley Cup Finals.  I'll put aside my envy of the Stanley Cup win and write something nice about Illinois. Even though Chicago is probably one of the top 5 cities in the world, I decided not to write about it. Instead I am going to write about a beautiful place called Starved Rock State Park.

Starved Rock 
Starved Rock State Park is located along the South bank of the Illinois River. Starved Rock is known for it's outcrops of St. Peter's Sandstone, which is found all over the park. The park gets its name from a Native American legend where it is said that two tribes (Illinois & Pottawatomies) fought a long hard battle. The Illinois tribe decided to ascend a 125 ft sandstone butte. The Pottawatomies discovered them and surrounded the rock. The Illinois were trapped on top of the rock and eventually died of thirst and starvation.


  • Hiking - Has 13 miles of well marked hiking trails. A map of the trails can be found here and a list of the trails can be found here
  • Water Activities - You can canoe or kayak down the Fox River. The Illinois River near Starved Rock is known as the "Sauger Capital" of the world. There is an annual fishing tournament for anglers to compete for the biggest sauger. 
  • Camping - The campground has 133 campsites that come equipped with electricity, showers, and toilers. The campground is located about 1 mile from the Visitor Center. For more info about the campground click here
  • Canyons & Waterfalls - You can see waterfalls in 14 out of the 18 canyons. 
  • Bird Watching - Click here for a bird watch check list. Bald Eagles are a guaranteed sighting here.

P.O. Box 509UticaIL 61373
